Terms and Conditions - Corporate Language Learning

1] Expiry of Class Credits

Classes can be bought in packs of 8 classes which last for one calendar month. All classes must be taken within the calendar month period with a maximum of 2 “no attendances” per month that can be rearranged and “rolled over” into the following calendar month.

2] Rescheduling or Cancellation of Classes

In order for a class to be rescheduled or cancelled I must receive notice by email, whatsapp or skype no less than 24 hours before the class is due to take place. If a class is cancelled less than 24 hours before the scheduled commencement time then the class credit is payable and will be charged for that month. If no rescheduling has been made and a student fails to attend the class then that will be deemed as though they have attended and they will be charged for that class and the class will be credited as a “no show”.

3] Class Attendance

I will wait for 15 minutes from the start time of the class and if after 15 minutes the student does not connect to Skype or Whatsapp then I will treat that class as having been taken and no refund will be given for non attendance. When a student starts a class late, the class will still finish at its allotted time, eg. a 50 minute class that starts 15 minutes late will finish after a further 35 minutes.

4] Cancellations by teacher

Occasionally due to unavoidable circumstances I may have no option but to cancel your class for that day or week. When this happens you will be sent an Email.

You as the Student will not be charged the class credit for the cancelled classes and you are free to re-book your class or classes at a time when I advise you that I can recommence work.

5] Right to Refuse

I reserve the right to refuse classes to any student for any reason if I feel it necessary.

I will inform the Student that I am unable to offer them classes and I do not require to give them a reason. I will not charge a Student when this happens for any unused classes.

6] Invoices / Receipts

In the event that any Student would like a receipt or invoice as proof of payment, then they should use the PayPal payment receipt that they will automatically receive directly from PayPal via email after they have made their payment. I do not offer additional invoices other than the PayPal ones.

I reserve the right to amend the above conditions at any time as I may deem necessary.

Terms and Conditions - Corporate Language Support

1] All packages booked are by the calendar month or multiples of calendar months. So if you book a package for February it will last from the 1st until the 28th [unless we are in a leap year]. If a package starts on the 15th of a month it will finish on the 14th of the following month.

2] All hours booked for the month must be used within that allotted period. The package lapses at midnight [client’s time] on the last day of the calendar month.

3] Billing will be done in multiples of 15 minutes for emails and other short queries. So if you ask for two short emails to be corrected that will be 30 minutes billed. if the email is longer and requires more complex work then I will bill for time taken. See point 4 below.

4] Other more detailed matters will be billed on time spent but rounded up or down by fifteen minutes. If I spend 1 hour and 20 minutes reviewing a business document for a client I will bill you for 1 hour and 15 minutes. If I spend 2 hours and 24 minutes reviewing a Linkedin profile I will bill you for 2 hours and 30 minutes.

5] If clients still have outstanding hours remaining within the last 10 days of their package that they do not want to use for further language support in that month, those further remaining hours can be converted into hourly classes to use up remaining time for the month.

6] All packages must be paid for in advance at the start of the month.

7] Invoices will be drafted detailing the work carried out in each month 10 days before the end of the package period so that clients have an accurate record of time used.

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